Wes Janson (4)Full unit name: Janson, Wes
Last updated: 11.07.2024 13:45:10
Basic info
First appearance: Empire Strikes Back
Empire Strikes Back
Species: Human
Known Facts (3)
Battle of Hoth (2) »
Attack on Firith Olan's Hideout (Tatooine) (1) »
Wes Janson was an ace starfighter pilot
Alliance Starfighter Corps
(Rebel Alliance Navy)
Rebel Alliance Navy
of the Alliance to Restore the Republic and New Republic. Janson first joined the Alliance prior to the Battle of Yavin
Battle of Yavin
Galactic Civil War
, but contracted an illness that prevented him from flying in that engagement. He later served with Rogue Squadron
Rogue Squadron
Rebel Alliance Navy
, the Rebellion's most elite starfighter squadron. As a key member of the Rogues, he fought at the battles of Hoth
Battle of Hoth
Galactic Civil War
and Endor
Battle over Endor
(Endor Campaign)
Galactic Civil War
, among others. After Endor, Janson flew in multiple engagements as part of Rogue Squadron, including covering the defection of Imperial Grand Vizier Sate Pestage. Following that mission, Rogue Squadron was temporarily disbanded and Janson, along with his good friend Derek Klivian
Derek Klivian
Supporting Characters
, were assigned to train new pilots. He would later go on to serve with Wraith Squadron, the New Republic's pilot/commando unit. Janson was the first executive officer of the squadron and saw action both in space and on the ground during commando missions against Warlord Zsinj. After Zsinj was defeated, Janson transferred back to Rogue Squadron. Janson eventually reached the rank of Major after years of service fighting against the Galactic Empire, including in campaigns against Prince-Admiral Delak Krennel and Grand Admiral Thrawn
Major Characters
, as well as a diplomatic mission to Adumar.
Janson retired from active service after the end of the Galactic Civil War, but returned to serve the New Republic by leading a group of volunteers during the Yuuzhan Vong War. The Yellow Aces were heavily involved at the Battle of Borleias, garnering a reputation as an elite unit. After the Yuuzhan Vong
Yuuzhan Vong
Sentient Species
surrender, Janson retired again, but peace was fleeting. He would once again return to combat in the Second Galactic Civil War, joining Rakehell Squadron in support of Luke Skywalker
Luke Skywalker
Major Characters
's insurgency against Jacen Solo
Jacen Solo
Major Characters
, who had fallen to the dark side. Janson flew in the Battle of Centerpoint, providing cover for Jedi infiltration teams.


See also
Known for being a member of the following organizations
Rogue Squadron
Known roles
T-47 Airspeeder
Known for operating the following planetary vehicles or structures
T-47 Airspeeder
Complete list

Full unit name: Janson, Wes Last updated: 11.07.2024 13:45:10